A Rant: Tell me my grades!!!!

I wish there was a way to review a college class before the class is over. At the end of every semester we get to do a TRACE review of our classes to provide feedback on the professor and the curriculum. But that’s useless to me. I want to be able to provide feedback mid-semester, while theres still time for someone consider making a few minor changes, that could positively affect my class. I want to be able to do this without fear of my professor hating me for voicing my opinion. I don’t want to criticize her but she should know if we are all having a few issues with the course. Its her responsibility to fix them as the course coordinator, right?

Things I think someone needs to address about this course in particular:

  • None of the problem sets seem to be written in a way that makes sense. None of the problems seem to have been proofread. Judging by the fact that there are 10+ students asking clarifying questions for each problem on the problem set every week, on our class Forum, there is Obviously and Issue here. A problem statement should be clear enough for us to read and solve. Without asking 10 questions like, what is this question even saying…
  • Why is there a percentage of our grade based on participation in a 100 student course? Do you even know my name professor? I don’t see you marking down which of us is participating. This doesn’t make sense.
  • My biggest problem so far?? We are a month into the semester. We have a quiz Every Day. We have had 3 major problem sets due, and one due in a few days. So, WHY, a THIRD of the way through the semester with an EXAM next week, is there only one single grade posted. How am I supposed to gauge how I am doing in this class? What do I need to work on? Are you a harsh grader or not? I need to know how to prepare for this exam or if I should be changing my study habits, but I cant make any sort of self assessment when I have ONE out of 20 grades graded. What are you doing with your time??? If you don’t have time to grade it all, consider NOT giving a daily quiz to 100 students. Food for thought.